Improve your look.

Physical aesthetic

Physical aesthetic is the treatment of aesthetical imperfections due to diverse factors such as aging, illnesses or weight problems.

Health can also be seen

Try our radio frequency, acupuncture, jade roll massage, face sport treatments…

What areas do we treat?

Wrinkles and expression lines in addition to skin rejuvenation.

We also treat the accumulation of fat in the neck, we improve the appearance of the cheek, puffiness and under-eye circles.


Are you concerned about sagging and lack of face and neck muscular tone?

If you want to fight cellulite and sagging or shaping your body, visit us. We study your needs and design a plan specifically for you to improve both your health and your appearance. A healty skin is a beautiful skin.


In Begaro, we use only the equipment that has proved together with the adequate technique. We test and train constantly to offer you the best options available in the market.

Our specialized staff analyze your case and offer you the best technique or combination of techniques to attain the best results possible, for instance: thermotherapy, shock-waves, Hilterapia (high intensity laser therapy), press therapy, radio-frequency.

We respect the health of your skin and help you keep it under good conditions.